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You're viewing Hidden & Dangerous (DEMO) Cheat Codes

Game Name : Hidden & Dangerous (DEMO)
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-06-25 04:15:47
Views : 20192

Cheat :
After the beginning animation it says "Choose Campaign". On this screen type:

unlockcheatmode (if it worked you'll hear a clicking sound)

Then the following can be typed from within the game or at any menu screen. Again after each entry you'll hear a click sound:

zombie -- after being killed, type this in and you'll come back as a zombie. Your little head shot will still show a skull.
bighead -- it'll give you a BIG HEAD!
killthemall -- I believe this kills all the enemies but not your good guys. (translation, kill them all, NOT kill the mall ;)
showtheend --show the end of the game.
missiondone -- will successfully complete your current mission, regardless of where you and your troops are.
missionfail -- fail your current mission (why would you want to do that?)
openalldoor -- open all doors.
goodhealth -- I didn't understand this one. I'd type it and nothing ever happend.
allammo -- THE BEST CHEAT! Gives you ALL the guns, rocket launchers, grenades, etc...
laracroft -- you become a guy in drag that's trying to look like her... funny! (I think this gives you a few different uniform choices as well).
enemylookf -- gives you a view of the enemy.
enemylookb -- same exept behind you.
playercoords -- displays your coordinates in upper left corner.
noplayerhits -- again, I'd type this in, yet I'd take hits and die. But the Zombie thing would usually bring you back for more.

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